вторник, 16 сентября 2008
Честно, первый раз вижу, но уже очень хочу)
И кстати, как вам мысль, выдать капелану с джамп паком заместо болт пистолета клавсу...
UpdateКому интересно, его правила...
читать дальшеCHAPLAIN DREADNOUGHT ….... 140 pts
WS BS S Front Side Rear I A
4 4 6(10) 12 12 10 4 2
Unit: 1 Chaplain Dreadnought
Type: Walker
Crew: 1 Space Marine
Weapons: The Dreadnought’s left arm is always equipped with a Dreadnought close combat weapon. The Dreadnought’s right arm is equipped with twin-linked heavy bolters. The Dreadnought also has a storm bolter.
Options: The Dreadnought may take any of the following vehicle upgrades at the cost listed in the Space Marine Armoury: Extra armour, searchlight or smoke launchers.
The twin-linked heavy bolters may be upgraded to a twin-linked lascannon at +20 pts, a multi-melta at +10 pts, a plasma cannon at +10 pts, twin-linked autocannons at +5 pts or an assault cannon for free.
Elites: The Chaplain Dreadnought is an Elites choice
Venerable: Chaplain Dreadnoughts are always Venerable. This is in addition to any other Venerable Dreadnoughts in an army. A Venerable Dreadnought is extremely hard to kill and whenever it suffers a penetrating or glancing hit you may ask your opponent to re-roll the result on the Vehicle Damage tables. However you must accept the second result, even if it is worse! As a Venerable Dreadnought the Chaplain Dreadnought always has the Furious Assault skill.
Litany of Hate: Even as a Dreadnought the Chaplain retains his former hatred for the foes of the Emperor. On a player turn in which the Dreadnought charges into close combat it may re-roll failed rolls to hit.
Блин, я тоже всё хочу)
Revan_TTF это "форж ворлд"... я вот думаю, заказать что ли себе такой при случае...
Booga_the_Ripper угумс)
Уличная магия дайрей.
А чаппику лучше фист (:
кстати глянь остальные дреды с форджа, Дарк ангеловский и Блек темпларовский просто шедевральны
конечно, не круче хаосицких, но все же =Ь